Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Twitter? and a List

1. I just signed up for Twitter. My user name is KnittingHorses just like my Ravelry account. I am not sure how it will go. I only have the net at work. So it will be sparse I am sure.

2. I want to Thank Ms. Lucy of Texas for purchasing my sister's and I postcards from zazzle. I really appreciate it. And I hope you like the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.

3. I have to confess I have a new man in my life. He is handsome and dark. I am only 5ft. 1in. so I really don't need tall. Lots of hair, tons of personality and a real joy to be around. I'm in love. He has links here http://knlhorses.tripod.com/id29.html and here http://knlhorses.tripod.com/ . I got to spend most of Sunday with him. We had a great time. Esp. because the temperature was about 20 degrees. I am hoping to spend allot more time with him.

4. I also need to confess, that a little girl has come to my home. Her name is Pocket and you have seen her before. The Chihuahua a few post before this one. Pocket is only 2 pounds at the most. She is consuming my knitting time. I am fostering her until I find her a loving home aside from mine with a 100 lbs. German Shepard, 80lbs Boxer and a 25lbs. Corgi. She has managed to boss them around so far, but I am so afraid they will smooch her. I have knitted two sweater (photos to come) and three fleece jackets. If i can come up with a way to make her some booties I will her little feet get cold quick in our 20 +/- temps.

5. I am thinking of opening an Etsy store. I make stitch markers and my LYS the Yarn Garden has let me sell them there. Thank you very much Lindsay. Love the store it is very deadly. Plus I make things out of all my used horse shoes. And I do have plenty of them. So Please check that out when I get that up and running. I need to learn to weld kinda for some of the horse shoe things. I am excited about it so we'll see how it goes.

6. It is only 5 so far today. Hmmm send warmer weather please. Winter is nice but I prefer 50's 60's to 20's and less.

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